A Guide to the Standard Poodle

Poodles are one of the most loved dogs around the country. It seems that their temperament, as well as their ability to be great show dogs has endeared them to many dog owners. If you are interested in having a poodle for a pet you should consider first what type of poodle. There are three sizes of poodle from the miniature, standard, and teacup poodle. We will be discussing the characteristics of the standard poodle in this article to help you make your decision.

The standard poodle will generally reach a height of 15 inches to about 20 inches. They will also weigh about 45 to 70 pounds. The standard poodle is considered a medium dog with a large body and smaller head. The head of the poodle is generally characterized by a narrow, but long muzzle, floppy ears, and a small angular skull. You will find the coat is generally curly, unless it has been sheared short. The coat should be soft, with natural oils, and rather luxurious looking. You will find that the coat is usually white, cream, black, blue, red, pink, gray, silver, and other single colors. A poodle will not have a mixed coat. They have a medium length tail to go with the rest of the body, and it is usually fluffy on the end.

The standard poodle has one of the most pleasing temperaments for show dogs. They tend to be elegant when they walk, full of dignity, and they are very well behaved. You will find they are extremely intelligent as well as trainable. The intelligence and eagerness to please will make training easy even in obedience classes. Unlike the miniature poodle you usually won’t find the standard poodle doing tricks that are beneath their elegance. The standard poodle is also the calmest of the three types. They don’t tend to be really energetic in play and they do not like being left alone. They are very dependent on their owners for affection and play time. They are great with children, but again it may help to socialize the poodle for the best results. The standard poodle tends to be wary of strangers, but on the whole friendly. They make good guard dogs, and don’t bark as much as the miniature poodle.

For care you should realize that the standard poodle coat does take a great deal of grooming. It is best to seek a professional groomer at least once a month to keep the coat looking beautiful and soft. You should also brush the standard poodle daily to keep the hair from tangling or matting. The standard poodle does need a daily walk and they love to play in water. They are not as demanding as some breeds when it comes to exercise, but it is best to give them plenty of time outdoors to exercise. They can live in apartments as they tend to be inactive indoors as long as they get exercise outside. You will find this breed can suffer from hip dysplasia, eyes and ear infections, and Von Willebrand’s Disease. For most standard poodles the life expectancy is going to be 12 to 15 years. When you are considering owning a dog it is important that you are willing to make the commitment for their life. Most dog breeds, and especially poodles will get attached to their owners. This can make it difficult if you can not handle the care of the pet and have to give it up. It is recommended for any adoption that you weigh all aspects of owning a dog before adopting.
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