Eliminating Bad Habits When Training Your New Puppy

If you own a puppy or a god you know that there are bad habits that must be dealt with. Most dogs want to please their masters and will do what is asked of them, but as the owner it is important that you communicate with your puppy to let him know what is unacceptable and acceptable in the house.

There are many undesirable bad behaviors that your dog can acquire, and each one has its on cure, and the cure will also depend on the type of dog your have and its temperament. All types of dogs are different and every dog has its own individual personality.

One of the biggest problems that pet owners face is dealing with whining and barking from the puppies. It is perfectly normal for a dog to bark a little, but if you dog is barking all the time this can cause major problem especially if you live in an apartment, or town home because your neighbors can file a complaint against you and this can even cause you to be evicted from your residence.

Here are some pointers on how to get your dog to stop barking and whining.

1. If you dog is crying in its crate take the puppy to the place it goes potty, because most of the time dogs will cry in crates when they need to use the bathroom.
2. You need to teach you new puppy that it is ok for it to be alone. Many dogs cannot stand to be away from their owners, you must train you dog to understand that this is ok.
3. Always look to see if the dog is in need of something if it is barking, chances are it needs to go to the bathroom, food, or water, and is just trying to let you know that it needs your assistance.
4. Never give you dog rewards for crying, this teaches that if they bark they will be rewarded, and they will bark more frequently

Puppies are cute, and love to chew on things, and while they are a puppy it might not seem like a big deal, but that puppy is going to grow up into a big dog, and you do not want to have a big dog that chews up your belongings

One of the easiest and most effective things you can do as a pet owner is to provide you dog with plenty of chew toys. Teach you dog that these are the only things that allowed to be chewed on while also give you dog a need object to teeth and play with.

Be sure to reward the puppy in the beginning when it chooses to play with the toys.

If you have a dog that is still getting out a favorite shoe or something like that you might want to spray the item with better apple, this will cause them to hate the taste of the item and stay away from it.
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