Another Animal Pets and Friends Horses article for you

Rare, beautiful, athletic and versatile, Andalusian horses are also one of the oldest breeds existing in the world today. Ronald Duncan, writer, poet and playwright, wrote about this treasured breed, saying:

He serves without servility; he has fought without enmity
There is nothing so powerful, nothing less violent
There is nothing so quick, nothing so patient
We are his heirs.
He is our inheritance.

Thousands of years ago, about 1,100 BC in Greece, Homer mentioned the beautiful Iberian horses. Xenophon, a famous Greek officer around 450 BC, praised them and their role after Iberians helped Sparta defeat Athenians. The Iberian Cavalry helped defeat invading Romans in the Second Punic War, and in 1066, William the Conqueror rode an Andalusian into the Battle of Hastings. In fact, Andalusians can be traced back as far as the Stud books of Spain and Portugal.

These proud, beautiful animals have been known throughout the ages for their graceful stance, well-arched necks and powerful rear quarters. They have been widely used throughout known history as warhorses, royal transport and more. Kind, sensitive and intelligent, Andalusians are highly prized for their responsiveness and learning potential, as well as their beauty.

Called "Iberians" in the past, these magnificent beasts were given the name "Andalusian" after Andalucia, Spain, a region in southern Spain. They have also been called the "Pure Spanish Horse" in Spain and the "Lusitanos" in Portugal, but "Andalusian" is the breed's most well known name.

Although centuries have passed since the first mention of the breed, they are quite rare. Worldwide, there are less than 14,000 registered purebred Andalusians. Because of the features that make them so magnificent - their endurance, usability and athleticism -, they were brought close to annihilation.

The Romans conquered the Iberian Peninsula, establishing stud farms in Spain and Portugal for their own campaigns. For hundreds of years, Andalusians fought under the guidance of Roman soldiers and other military until heavy armor required heavier horses. For a brief moment in time, the breed was allowed to rest. However, the 15th century brought about more warfare and conflict in which the light agile horses were once again needed.

Spain invaded Portugal, set out to conquer the New World and attacked England. They became involved in the Dutch Wars, and then defended their homeland against Napoleon. The Spanish people rebelled against the Church, leading to the 1936 revolution. The centuries of war took their toll and the Andalusians were nearing extinction.

An epidemic in 1832, which devastated Spain's horse population, only served to make matters worse. By the end of the revolution, the purebred breeding stock had been winnowed down to an extremely small number. Because of this, the royalty of Spain began limiting the export of Andalusians to a strong degree, with a penalty of death for those found with them.

Slowly but surely, the beasts known as the "Royal Horses of Europe", began to grow in number again, due to the care taken by the royalty of Spain. A single herd had been hidden, and then used to revive the Andalusians. Careful breeding kept the qualities of the beautiful animal, so admired and in demand, from fading away. Now, although export is still small, Andalusians can once again be found in several countries.

Throughout the U.S., Canada, Spain and Portugal, they are part of show rings, exhibitions and parades. They're ideal horses for families, due to their kindness and love of people. Andalusians compete for driving, cattle work, jumping, cutting and dressage. Noble and glorious, the Andalusian horse is, without a doubt, true royalty.

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