Another Animal Pets and Friends Fish and Aquariums article for you
The popularity of Betta fish, also well-known as Siamese fighting fish, is because they are one of the most gorgeous pet fish available today.} Pretty much all Bettas have brilliantly coloured scales and fins. Not only are the male fish stunningly coloured but they are also far more agressive than the females.. This feature of the Betta fish does make them subject to fighting for bets in some areas of the world
In their natural environment they are found in slow moving warm temperature waters. This fact would mean it is worth putting a heater in your tank to keep a temperature of at least 70 degrees to keep your Bettas happy. Apart from this, Bettas need a measure of small insects, or insect larvae along with normal routine of flake foods, or frozen fried fish foods.
Be sure to give your Bettas extra room to breathe and move around with their long flowing fins. They also need good amount of oxygen as these Betta fish are labyrinth, that is, they breath oxygen from air.
Additional Care Required
It is a known truth that Betta fish possess a pretty hostile nature. Putting two male Bettas together or adding a new one along with an existing Betta fish is not advised. This might turn nasty if the stronger Betta fish begin attacking, or biting the weaker ones. Care must be taken to separate the attacking fish for the safety of the rest. If Two male Bettas do have to be added to one tank then it may be adviseable to add fish condos or mesh dividers to keep them at a distance. It is also better to keep the fish tank containing Betta fish covered when possible.
In their natural environment they are found in slow moving warm temperature waters. This fact would mean it is worth putting a heater in your tank to keep a temperature of at least 70 degrees to keep your Bettas happy. Apart from this, Bettas need a measure of small insects, or insect larvae along with normal routine of flake foods, or frozen fried fish foods.
Be sure to give your Bettas extra room to breathe and move around with their long flowing fins. They also need good amount of oxygen as these Betta fish are labyrinth, that is, they breath oxygen from air.
Additional Care Required
It is a known truth that Betta fish possess a pretty hostile nature. Putting two male Bettas together or adding a new one along with an existing Betta fish is not advised. This might turn nasty if the stronger Betta fish begin attacking, or biting the weaker ones. Care must be taken to separate the attacking fish for the safety of the rest. If Two male Bettas do have to be added to one tank then it may be adviseable to add fish condos or mesh dividers to keep them at a distance. It is also better to keep the fish tank containing Betta fish covered when possible.